
Point Pleasant - Sketches

The sketches for this show were all done very quickly, usually for immediate need.
The above is an early version of the Kramer House

This one is of the exterior dress for the Kramer House. The house was supposed
to be on a beach in New Jersey. The actual location was up on a bluff overlooking
a freeway in San Diego. Sand, fencing, and the boardwalk were was brought in.
Plugs were added to the house in the porch area to match the detail in the
Kramer House interior set because we did not want to use the existing detail in
the house on our set.

This was an illustration of a proposed location dress.

Leverage - Dollhouse - ProjectsK-VilleNurses
Point Pleasant Cordy's ApartmentAngel's Hotel Wolfram & Hart LobbyMockingbirdTemple of Illyria
Torture ChamberEllis IslandJasmine's DimensionWitchy WoodsJosephSmile TimeCaptains Courageous

Nate's Loft - Bar - Vault - Conspiracy Apt. - North Office
Musical - Sweatshop - Political Event - Talk Show - Kerrity Office - Swing Sets - Sketch & Visualization
Main Dollhouse - Sleep Chamber - Vault - Mansion Drawing Room
Lair - Chinese Restaurant - Sketch & Visualization
FAS Police Headquarters - Hotel Suite - Abandoned House
Jail - Priest's Office - Illustration & Visualization
Nurses Station - Lobby of Hospital - Bar in Bowling Alley
The Madness of Jane
Dr. Kornbluth's Office - Jane's Attic Office and Bedroom - Jane's Living Room
Pepper Dennis:
WEIE Newsroom - WEIE Studio - Pepper's Loft
Italian Consulate - ACoRN Awards - Fraternity House - City Hall - El Station - Election Headquarters
Point Pleasant:
Kramer House - Dance Marathon - Boyd's House - Police Station - Hospital Chapel - Sketches
W&H Lobby - Angel's Office - Fred's Lab - Witchy Woods - Operating Room - Professor Seidel's Lab - Ellis Island - Big Sewer
Meat Packing - Shajahn's Chamber - File Room - Boat

The Sheet Cake