This "poster" design (actually intended for video boxes and for small flyers)
was done in PhotoShop and Illustrator using photos taken by the production photographer.
While this was a small workshop film, it was shot under professional conditions, including
a still photographer on hand at all times, an on-set teacher for the little girl, catered lunches,
and long hours. The food is probably better on a Spielberg shoot, but it was fine with us.
We had a great crew and we all believed in the project,
which made the hot, dusty days in Santa Clarita a lot more tolerable.
Nate's Loft - Bar - Vault - Conspiracy Apt. - North Office
Musical - Sweatshop - Political Event - Talk Show - Kerrity Office - Swing Sets - Sketch & Visualization
Main Dollhouse - Sleep Chamber - Vault - Mansion Drawing Room
Lair - Chinese Restaurant - Sketch & Visualization
FAS Police Headquarters - Hotel Suite - Abandoned House
Jail - Priest's Office - Illustration & Visualization
Nurses Station - Lobby of Hospital - Bar in Bowling Alley
The Madness of Jane
Dr. Kornbluth's Office - Jane's Attic Office and Bedroom - Jane's Living Room
Pepper Dennis:
WEIE Newsroom - WEIE Studio - Pepper's Loft
Italian Consulate - ACoRN Awards - Fraternity House - City Hall - El Station - Election Headquarters
Point Pleasant:
Kramer House - Dance Marathon - Boyd's House - Police Station - Hospital Chapel - Sketches
W&H Lobby - Angel's Office - Fred's Lab - Witchy Woods - Operating Room - Professor Seidel's Lab - Ellis Island - Big Sewer
Meat Packing - Shajahn's Chamber - File Room - Boat
The Sheet Cake